Greasewood Cream - Natural Moisturizer

Greasewood Cream - Natural Moisturizer


Use for dry cracking or red irritated skin

Greasewood cream is the best product that we produce for the treatment of serious dry or irritated skin problems. It is extremely rich, nurturing and healing. One 2oz jar goes a really long way. This is not used like well known store bought creams that make lots of claims about aging skin and reducing wrinkles. This is made to alleviate skin conditions that cause discomfort like cracking heels or dry, red itchy skin. As a pure moisturizer it should be used sparingly and does not need to be applied every day. This is because of its richness and not due to added chemicals or preservatives.  Some of the oils that add richness and help heal the skin are; organic coconut, organic avocado, organic shea butter, organic jojoba oil, organic macadamia nut oil and kukui nut oil.

This cream can be used to help alleviate many different skin conditions. The main use is for serious to moderate dry skin conditions. It is also useful for providing relief from the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. In some cases it can clear up eczema and often sooth’s the itch and dryness experienced with psoriasis.

Dry cracking skin on the heels and hands is a problem that many of us experience. Curing cracking heels takes longer that fixing dry cracking skin on our hands and fingers. With cracking skin on the heels apply a moderate coat of the cream and then put your socks on, this is often better done right before bed. The Hands crack or become red and irritated for different reasons. Sometimes it is the weather or a side effect of the work we do. Many construction workers suffer from hand issues as well as nurses and others whose hands are exposed to chemicals or are washed too often. All of these conditions will benefit dramatically from the use of the Greasewood cream

Greasewood or Chaparral grows throughout the desert regions of Arizona and beyond.   When it rains here you can smell a rich earthy scent that permeates the air where it is growing. Many creatures make their homes under the ground beneath the branches of this healing bush. It blooms twice a year filling the desert with yellow flowers and than white puffs of seed. We gather from these bushes by stripping the fresh green leaves from the stems that appear right before they bloom. Pulling a handful at a time and slowly filling our cloth bags. When they are full we walk home, emptying the bags onto drying screens in our drying house. After they are dry we crush the leaves from the stems and separate out the big stems.   Later I grind the leaves just before mixing with the other oils and ingredients that go into this incredible cream. Organic Avocado oil, Kukui nut oil and Shea nut butter are used because they are all purported to be beneficial for eczema and psoriasis.

Chaparral or greasewood herb

Organic calendula flower

High grade bees wax

African shea nut butter

Organic oils: sunflower, Macadamia nut oil, Palm kernal oil and jojoba oils

T-50 vitamin E oil(naturally derived and suitable for use in Organic products).

Organic aloe vera gel

Kukui nut oil

Jojoba esters(wax form of jojoba)

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